March 13, 2009

Run:  Bike Path
Distance: 3.70 Miles
Time: 29min
Avg HR: 158
Shoes: Brooks GTS 9
Feeling Before:  Good
Rating: 8

I got a new pair of shoes today. I went at lunch to the local running store to see if I could find a pair that works better than my last couple. When I mentioned to the guy at the store that I really loved the old Asics 2120, but not the 2130’s, he thought that was interesting. I guess Asics made the 2120 a little firmer than usual and a lot of people complained about it so they went with a softer more flexible sole in the 30’s. I’m not sure if that’s the problem I had with them specifically, but it was interesting that I was one of the few who actually liked the 2120s.

Anyway, I ended up with a pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9s (Seriously, “Adrenalines”? I get the purpose of marketing, but sometimes I wonder, especially when usually I end up going with 1 of 3 pairs that the LRS hands me and don’t really pay attention to what the name of the shoe is until I get it home.) They didn’t have the Brooks in wide, but they felt wide enough in the store that I went with them anyway. I’m wondering now if that was a mistake. They feel a little tight around the mid sole. I’m hoping it’s just because I’m used to wearing a pretty beat up pair of kicks and that I just need to get used to a snugger fit shoe.

I’m hoping to take them out for a test drive this evening when I get home.

Mileage so far: 20 feet down the sidewalk.


I love these shoes!!  My foot wasn’t slipping around as much as in my Asics.  I’ll see tomorrow if my foot is feeling any worse, but I doubt it will be.

Mileage so far: 3.7 miles + 20 feet.

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